Friday, February 27, 2009

Increase Your Earning Power In A Bad Economy: Part 1 of 5 Part Series

Ideas to earn extra cash with skills from your hobby or academic major

In the poor economic climate, many students are scrambling to earn extra cash at every possible chance. Rather than relying solely on a minimum wage, part-time retail or fast food job, look within at your own skills and branch out by freelancing or creating your own mini-business. Here are some lists of academic majors and skills you may have and suggested activities to get your creative juices flowing, who knows one may even become your next pay-check opportunity.

Major: Graphic (Digital) Design, Fine Arts
Skills: Illustration, Painting, Web Design

Become a street artist and illustrate portraits for people
Become a face painter
Become a make-up artist
Create websites for start-up businesses
Create custom murals
Illustrate t-shirts and other merchandise
Design logos, brochures and other materials for businesses
Create banner ads for websites

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