Ideas to help earn extra money with skills from your hobby or academic major
In the poor economic climate, many students are scrambling to earn extra cash at every possible chance. Rather than relying solely on a minimum wage, part-time retail or fast food job, look within at your own skills and branch out by freelancing or creating your own mini-business. Here are some lists of academic majors and skills you may have and suggested activities to get your creative juices flowing, who knows one may even become your next pay-check opportunity.
Major: Communication Arts - Film/TV Production
Skills: Videography, Film Editing, Producing
Film and edit event videos
Film and edit training videos
Film and edit You Tube videos for people
Teach people basic filming and editing skills
Produce independent films and TV shows
Give hands-on lessons to public access TV show crews on how to use good filing techniques and make quality shows
Create your our public access show to teach others how to create a professional looking show
Thursday, March 26, 2009
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